Saturday, October 4, 2008

Nezu Shrine Festival

Two weekends ago, there was a big shrine festival hold in our neighborhood. All exchange students have the opportunity to carry the "portable shrine" every year, walk around the neighborhood and celebrate the festival with other shrines.

Let me tell you, they are not really portable portable. They are really heavy, and with my height and other exchange students' height. I couldn't help much...I wanted to help.......I feel so bad..... But, I helped cheering and yelling some chant....It was FANTASTIC. and exhausting. :P

Before we know what really was going on.

Then we saw something like this :

Then we did some practices. My .... outfit was clearly too big for me.
(Oh my gosh, where did my left hand go?)

I was cool before the rain came.

Overall, it was fun. :)
Moutain fuji, home stay, carrying the shrine...what's next, Japan?


Polly said...

I wish the big guy in your group thought to wear pants. The pictures are all awesome.

Mary said...

Lisa why does that guy not have pants on??? That is super gross...what do you mean, where you in a parade? That is super cool!

Anonymous said...

What study abroad program is this? Looks fun. lol.