Friday, October 30, 2009

Everyone should believe in Halloween

Halloween may be the funniest holiday to prepare for. Not to mention there is costumes and candy and parties and costumes. Halloween at are house is pretty relaxed we only stress for weeks in advance what will be....
This is Kathryn and Jack getting there costumes ready. Kathryn is on outfit...5
maybe and Jack has just decided that he is going to make his from scratch.

These are the cupcakes I spent hours making because I am competitive and want Kathryns Halloween treat for her school to be the best.... They are (in order) Eyeballs (these are brownie bites not cupcakes) Then we have the real big cupcakes they are Spiderwebs plus a spider ring and my favorite a little grave with a pumpkin and crushed Oreos for the dirt...They taste wonderful

This is me thee chief : ) feeling super happy with my cupcakes, and feeling sorry for the boy down the road who's family doesn't celebrate Halloween.
His name is Lane, and he is my age and never before gone trick or treating.


Polly said...

Mary is a little like Martha Stewart. I'm sure she is also driven by competition. The cupcakes are for Kathryn to take to her Halloween party at school. What would I do without Mary? I'm glad she took over. More to follow in the next few days!

Becky Pitcher said...

I have also been stressing for weeks over my costume.
THose cupcakes look freaking awesome!
aaannd, are you talking about Lane from elementary school when we lived in Monti? Haha, those laestadian lutherans. They got it bad. :)

Nana B said...

so sad that someone has never gone trick or treating, I remember when we used to get nickle candy bars that were bigger than what you pay $1.00 now. And we didn't have to worry whether people were going to put things into the treats. Have fun and take photos and send me one of those cupcakes. Please!

MARCIE said...

Oh wow Mary! What amazing cupcakes you made! They are great! Thanks for blogging about them and other stuff!