Dear Family and friends,
Lisa graduated from the College of St. Benedict in Minnesota on May 8th, 2010. Chris and I along with Jack and Kathryn drove to MN for Lisa's graduation. I realize that was a month ago, but I am finally getting around to posting. The pictures I am posting are all from the Tsang's camera. Sadly the second day we were in MN our camera got dropped and no longer works. We have some photo's on our camera, but we can't get them off since we can't turn it on and we don't own a card reader. I will figure it out eventually. In the mean time, here are photos taken by Lisa and her mom Joanna. The weather was uncooperative for the most part, the Tsang's even got to see some snow flakes on graduation day. Mostly it was windy and rainy. The sun snuck out a few times just to make us miss it even more. MN was green and lush and lovely anyway. It was so fun to be with Lisa's mom Joanna, Dad Julio, and brother Nick. We were comfortable and happy together. We are grateful that they shared Lisa with us for the past 5 years. We were sad to say good bye, not knowing when Lisa will be back in the USA again. We are excited for Lisa being done with school and off on a new adventure. Lisa is going to Japan for a year to teach English to elementary aged children. Her new job starts at the end of August. Lisa is home in Hong Kong now and has been too busy to post any pictures, hopefully she will soon, in the mean time these will have to suffice.
wow finally a post! I wish I had been able to go along on this trip! It makes me sad to think lisa has been out of america one month already.
Oh my goodness! Everyone looks so good, I didn't even recognize Nick, he looks so old. Jack looks super grown-up too, and Mom looks so skinny.
That's me next year, you guys! Soon I'll be graduated like my big sister Lisa.
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