Tuesday, May 10, 2011

a visit from grandmas

Both of my grandmas are here to visit! Grandma Mary flew in and is staying with us, and Grandma Marcie is here staying with Renn about 15 minutes away. 
They've been hogging the babies, but I don't mind since today I got a nice long nap! 
And Grandma Mary did all the dishes and laundry! She deserves to hold those boys.

The boys are getting so big and are starting to make some really goofy expressions!
And look at the cheeks on that boy!
Yesterday they had their 2 month check-up (and shots! it was so sad!) and Grey weighed 10lbs 9oz, and Micah weighed 9lbs 13oz.  Grey is in the 20th percentile!
Considering that they were 5 weeks premature, that's pretty dang good.
(It's all the sugar and cream the boys take in... or just cream. Seriously, when I pump it looks like half and half)

It's such fun to have family here!
The rest of you should fly in soon to see us, too!

Love you!


MARCIE said...

I thought I was holding Micah! Sheese! They are so much cuter in person! Some of those expressions are so funny!

Becky Pitcher said...

You are holding Micah in the first and last pictures. You traded babies part way through when Grey threw up and needed a change of clothes...