Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year from the Froelich Family

How about a Froelich Family Update:
I have good intentions I really do.  I want to send out cards with this picture to all the people I love, but don't hold your breath.   Seeing it on our blog might be the best I can do this year. Chris took this picture at Christmas when Becky was home for the holidays.  Everyone went sledding except for poor me, I had to go to work.  I did go sledding on Christmas day though so you don't need to feel too sorry for me.  I can't believe how old my kids are.  How did this happen?  They actually look like they like each other too!  It just doesn't seem that long ago that Becky insisted that we call her Becksterama the Cool One, and Mary snuck my red lipstick out of my purse and drew all over the back of my seat in the car and when I asked her why she would do something like that she said"you never taught me not to."  Have they really changed that much or just gotten bigger?  Becky does still think she is pretty cool and Mary is still telling me how to be a better parent.  We sure have fun together though.  I enjoy the age differences between my kids.  It is super fun having a 3 year old, although exhausting at times.  Kathryn says the funniest things, she keeps us laughing every day.  Kathryn plans to get married this summer even though she will only be 4 she says she can't wait any longer to have kids.  I'm not sure who the lucky boy will be since it changes every week.  She also believe that when she grows up and leaves home she will move to Utah to live with Becky and her roommates.  Hopefully that will take longer then 15 years.  We'll keep everyone posted on the wedding plans...
 Jack went through a honeymoon period with our move to Missoula.  It seems to be over and he can't wait to get out of here.  He has made lots of friends though, sadly there are no kids in our neighborhood his age, (there was one and she left to live with her dad).  He is bored.  Jack is starting ski school this Saturday, we really can't afford it but we want him to love the mountains and have fun and be happy so we are doing it.  I guess we'll eat less I don't know.  
Mary got a job today.  She didn't even interview.  We have a friend that sends her kids to a local montissori and I guess they were looking for a teenager to clean the class rooms and bathrooms everyday for $10. an hour and they are hiring Mary.  Yeah!!  It will be an awesome job and only 1-2 hours per day right after school.  Mary is super excited to get some cash in her pocket.  Although she is an awesome babysitter and does quite a bit of that as well.  Mary is all geared up to graduate in the spring.  Then what?  We aren't sure.  College yes, where?  Maybe here. We will see.
Our sweet Lisa had a big year too.  She spent a semester on an exchange program in Japan.  She had an awesome trip and did lots of amazing things like watch sumo wrestling and hike Mount Fuji.  We are so happy to still have her as a big part of our family.  She is in Hong Kong right now visiting her Mom and Dad and brother Nick and will be back in MN soon to continue her junior year at St. Ben's. 
Becky is still in Provo at BYU.  She loves it.  She has had an amazing year starting with breaking her foot while jumping off a trampoline and needing to come home to MN for surgery.  It was a heartbreaking start to 2008, having to drop out of school 2nd semester and come back to us.  She had an amazing surgeon and was back to school for spring and summer semester, 2-3 months ahead of schedule.  I think she appreciates her ability to walk more then ever.  We felt very blessed by our Heavenly Father through that whole ordeal.  
Actually the whole year of 2008 seems like one big blessing to Chris and I.  
Chris was accepted into the School of Pharmacy in Missoula, Mt and we moved our family away from MN.  Everything just worked so smoothly.  Our kids were great and didn't give us a hard time.  Happy to be off on a new adventure.  Our home which was on the market for 18 months sold in October.  We found a great home in Missoula that we rented sight unseen and it wasn't a scam.  We have a great new ward, we are making new friends, we love our new neighbors, Chris is on the Dean's List, Polly and the kids spent a month in Virginia Beach with grandparents.  We have no money and yet every month we are able to take care of our needs and we have yet to go hungry.  We know that this is due to a loving Father in heaven that watches over us. 2008 hasn't been a complete bed of roses, but this is what we will choose to dwell on, the good stuff.  We hope that your year was also filled with lots of good stuff.  Thanks for reading our blog and being our friends.  We wish we saw everyone more often and if you come this way let us know, we always have room in our home for who ever wants to come!!!  Love the Froelich's


MARCIE said...

I want to come! And I will--just let me know when it warms up! Great post Polly! I love all your stories and miss you all so much! So glad you are all well.

Unknown said...

oh mom! I think this is wonderful! I think i'm going to put it on my blog.

Liz said...

Great post, Polly!! It's so fun to get to know your kids through your blog. Jack will love ski school!

winspears said...

Hope 2009 is full of just as many blessings! What a cute family you have! If Jack gets to bored he can always come hang in CA with Brennen!

Nana B said...

Polly, what a wonderful post, it is so true that God takes care of His own. There is always some bad with the good, but with your family healthy and whole that is the most important thing. Don't forget the parable of the Lilies of the Field. If you do your part God will take care of the rest. Love you all!

The Stanley's said...

Happy New Year Froelich's, one of the best families in my life. I love you all.

Lana said...

I don't think you really love me since you didn't read my whole post! I don't know how to handle that kind of neglect.