Monday, February 2, 2009

a cool new job

I feel bad that no one from the family has written in so terribly long.
So I am writing something, that many of you probably read on my personal blog, but it's still cool.
I am a figure model for the byu art classes. Which means that a few times a week I model in a three hour shift.
If there are 20 kids in a class (usually there are closer to 25)
and I do 15 gestures (short poses, they're usually hard so they're only 3-7 minutes)
and 4 twenty-minute poses
then in about a three-hour shift I have 380 pictures drawn of me.

sweet, right?
Here are some, I'm always afraid to take pictures, so I have to be sneaky:
This, I believe, was a seven-minute pose.
A five minute pose, maybe?
This was a five hour pose, though with many, many breaks. I was there for over six hours.

Oddly enough, I hardly ever get sitting poses, and have only used a bench three times, yet I have the bench in all these pictures.


Liz said...

I don't know how you can pose for hours at a time! I think it would be hard.

Does it seem strange to anyone else that BYU would have someone pose in a bikini??? Don't they have policies about that?

Unknown said...

the policy is the bikini, because every other school in the country has their models pose nude.
the students are studying the human body.
the program is approved by the prophet.

Polly said...

Thanks for the post. I can't believe the weird poses you are in. The pictures are cool. I will post soon.

The Stanley's said...

I am happy someone is still breathing on your blog! :) Is Chris home yet?