Sunday, October 17, 2010

Joy and Sadness

This looks like a ying/yang of happiness
Stopping by the side of the road to see the lab puppies sounds like a good idea, but eventually you have to leave without a puppy. That proved to be very hard, especially since one little yellow crawled right into Kathryn's lap where it seemed content to stay for the next 10-13 years. Sigh.

Time to go.

Heart broken


MARCIE said...

Those are the cutest and most heartbreaking pictures ever. What on earth were you thinking?

Mary said...

I am heartbroken by these photos. I simply don't know what to do about it....

Becky Pitcher said...

Oh man, is it bad that I chuckled a little at the last picture?
Poor heartbroken Kathryn, with a tear on her cheek.